
We are looking for instructors!

Do you love training dogs, meeting new people and are good at teaching? Are you an instructor or do you run a training center for dogs and like the idea of Better Dog Academy and what we do? Do you have your own well-trained and nice dog? A “Better Dog”? 🙂

Then why not take the chance and get certified as an instructor at Better Dog Academy? You will then be able to run Better Dog Academy-classes on your ow!

The key-words of a Better Dog Academy-class are:

  • Clarity
  • Community
  • Joy
  • Training dogs is fun!

Contact us!
You apply by sending in your name, e-mail address and telephone number in an e-mail.

Our Instructors

  • Jenny Johansson
  • Alexandra Karlsson
  • Susan Andersson
  • Therese Drywa-Karlsson
  • Elisabeth Jensander
  • Marie Danielsson
  • Max Hallqvist